Tuesday, March 31, 2009

File a Bug

To file a bug please email me direct at chrischantrill at gmail.com. Then I can send you a $5 gift card and thank you for your help!

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Back to usgovernmentrevenue.com
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  1. http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_deficit_chart.html

    The first 2 rows of select boxes position the info box over the select.

    This leads to the following interesting situation in a browser that properly fires events:

    1) Users moves mouse onto select. onmouseover - select triggers display of info box, infobox is positioned *over* the select, causing the cursor to be over the infobox.
    2) This triggers onmouseout, causing the infobox to be hidden away. Again, if the browser interprets it as such, this now leaves the cursor as being inside the select again, triggering (1).

    Result, infinite flickering of an info box for the first two rows.

    The fix is to simply put the info box somewhere else.

    For one thing, IE6 which a few poor benighted souls still use, is incapable of rendering anything above a select element.

    Odd behaviour due to this bug was noted in both my test browsers, Firefox 3.7a and Safari 4, but was particularly bad in Firefox 3.7a due to its more prompt firing of events.

  2. Charts always say "Government Revenue [or Spending]..." in the second line of the title, even when displaying (for instance) Gross Public Debt.

  3. Under the numbers tab, in trying to expand the Defense spending, I'm having a hard time (using google-chrome, but also Firefox) getting the sub-categories to open up. The "Drill down" informational pop-up keeps getting in the way. When I finally do get Military Defense, et al., displayed, and finally get a click on those, the [-] shows up, but no category details. I know the government publishes more detailed info than that.

  4. Some numbers are astonishing. For e.g. Wisconsin and Wyoming GDP are probably mixed (when one goes to download multi and select one state in particular), although one is supposed to be around 15 and the other around 200...

    As well, spending in 1994 for many countries are unexplanable: Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire... All have around 20% spending on GDP ratio, but in 1994, it falls at 5% to skyrocket in 1995 back to 20%...

    Best regards

    I don't know how this is possible

  5. Wisconsin/Wyoming GDP problem fixed. Some years I reversed these states when preparing data from BEA spreadsheet.

    1994 Total spending for M thru W states fixed.

    Thanks for filing this bug!

  6. Hi - I notice that when I'm looking at a time series of state spending and I use the drop down to switch from "state,local" to "state'n'local" the data blanks out. It happens on revenue too. Try it from this page:



If you have a question or a comment, email to chrischantrill@gmail.com.

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