The US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released its Gross State Product (GSP) data for 2020 on March 25, 2021. has updated its individual state GSPs for 2020 and projected nominal and real GSP through 2025 for each state using the projected national GDP numbers from Table 10.1 in the Historical Tables for the Federal FY2022 Budget and the historical GDP data series from the BEA as a baseline.
As before we have projected individual state GSPs out to 2026. This "guesstimate" normally relies upon the US GDP forecast in the federal budget. But the federal budget for FY 22 is not expected until May. So the state GDP projections are based on last year's GDP projections. Obviously all projections in the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic are questionable.
Click here to view a complete list of US states and their 2020 GSP growth rates.
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