Wednesday, December 24, 2014

US, State Population Update for 2014

On December 24, 2014 the US Census Bureau released its national and state population estimates for 2014.  On December 24, 2014 updated its US and state population data as follows:
  • We updated 2014 population data for US and states using data from US Census Bureau Population Estimates: vintage 2014 in file NST-EST2014-01.xls.
  • We projected 2014 thru 2019 for US and states assuming population rate change for 2013-24.
  • We updated 2015 thru 2019 for US using data from US Census Bureau 2012 National Population Projections in file NP2014-T1.xls. uses population data in computing per capita spending and revenue data.  You can see per capita spending data in a chart here, and in a table of spending here.

You can check the data update schedule here.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

State and Local Finances Update for FY 2012

On December 11, 2014 updated the state and local spending and revenue for FY 2012 using the newly released Census Bureau State and Local Government Finances for FY 2012.  This includes state and local spending for the United States as a whole and individual states and the District of Columbia.

State and local spending and revenue for FY2012 are now actual historical spending as reported by the Census Bureau.  Previously state spending and revenue for FY2012 was actual and local spending and revenue was estimated.  The following table shows the difference between estimated and actual spending and revenue for FY2012:

FY 2012Estimated
$ billion
$ billion

We have updated the "guesstimated" state and local finances for FY2013-19.

Also updated were state and local finances for 2009, 2010, and 2011 using newly released Census Bureau revised data.